Psalms: Book One

My highlights from the first 41 Psalms

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Parents and Children

Notes after reading Samuel 1&2

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Right in Their Own Eyes

Joshua and Judges a challenge for modern readers

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The Narrative of the Law

Learning to read the ancient text

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Words to remember

Live up to your holy calling

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Numbers in the Wilderness

Where this is happening matters

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Lepers and Priests

A curious symmetry, an important lesson

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Don't play with fire

Distinguish between the holy and the common

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Vayikra and Vaydaber

He Calls and He Speaks

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What's in a name?

The book of Names, or as you likely know it Exodus.

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The Prologue: In the Beginning

Genesis 1 thru 11 provides a prologue for the full narrative

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Having Put the World in Commotion

The Gospel of this kingdom of God is scandalous

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A Boundary in Time

A new kingdom, a change in power, an invitation to learn.

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Starting With an Orderly Account

Beginning an every chapter reading plan with Luke & Acts

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Preparing to Read the Bible

Some quotes to consider as we prepare to read the text

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every chapter bible reading plan

Read Every Chapter

Read every chapter in the Bible with a printable checklist

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Image of Earth by Nasa

Be Transformed by the Text

Let this ancient text transform you

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storm clouds rising

A Contrast of Kingdoms

Which kingdom will you choose to align with?

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barely field

Have Faith, join the narrative

The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Trust the story.

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Torah scroll

Jesus of Nazareth

A central character you should get to know

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