Parents and their children are often at the center of the narrative struggle through the scroll of Samuel and even into the text of Kings. Some notes and observations, but probably not any real application.

Becoming a parent isn't always easy.

We start with the story of Hannah who had so much grief Eli thought she was drunk. In her grief she makes a plea to God for a son, a Nazarite vow. She receives the son and then gives him to the Lord and only sees him once a year. Hannah's prayer is beautiful in the second chapter.

You can fail at being a parent

"Now the sons of Eli were worthless men." How about that for a description of your children. Eli a priest is unable to raise his sons to be priestly but actually they are stealing from the people and from God in their roles. The sons weren't just bad Eli must play a role in this process of scorning the sacrifices to God. He honored his sons above God by fattening themselves on the choices parts of every offering, which belonged to God (1 Sam 2). Later when Eli falls to his death being heavy is called out (1 Sam 4).

Samuel grew in stature and favor with God but he grew up in this environment under Eli and like Eli Samuel also had two sons who were worthless, taking bribes and perverting justice when they served as judges over Israel.

Children will defy their parents

Jonathan the son of King Saul defeats the Philistines in 1 Samuel 14, but he did not tell his father what he was doing. Then in the process Saul issues a curse and vow that ultimately comes against his son who wasn't around to be aware of these statements. (1 Sam 14)

And as the story continues Jonathan remains at odds with his father Saul as he befriends David.

Being a parent is life threatening

Then King David had his own share of problems. With kids from different wives there becomes tension, hatred, and injustice. Absalom executes judgement and vengeance through murdering his brother Ammon. The circumstances then lead to Absalom creating a conspiracy that he would take over the throne from his father. David has to flee for his life and ultimately David's soldiers kill his own son.

Instructions for a child

Moses urges the people of Israel to teach their children diligently back in Deuteronomy 6. Often times that seems to be a place where Israel fails as one generation of people quickly forget. At the end of David's life he instructs his son Solomon, it is recorded in 1 Kings 2, with the same advice of Moses, remember and walk in his ways and statutes.

God always remembers, we see it over and over, can we his children do the same?