In the text of Leviticus we read again and again that the Lord spoke.

The Lord called Moses and spoke to him...

Leviticus 1:1 ESV

God speaks through others

35 times the Lord spoke to Moses in this text. God is communicating with his chosen people. God didn't speak directly to all the people at all times. For the most part God spoke through a prophet or faithful leader. In this text it's Moses and Aaron.

God speaks in his time

In Exodus we learned that the tribes of the children of Israel built the tabernacle and were called to be a kingdom of priests. This tabernacle and priesthood won't look like anything around them. This God and this calling of priesthood for the tribes is a weighty and special calling. They will need direction and God is there for them.

We are expected to obey what God has said

Mostly likely if you are like me you don't have an experience of God speaking to you in the same way we read about in the text. Likewise many in the tribes of Israel didn't have this privilege either. They had to hear what God said through others and they were still expected to believe and obey (Lev 26:3 ; Lev 26:14)

Understanding what God says

For us, in 2023, this particular text in Leviticus may seem strange, strict and archaic. We need to keep reading and studying through the full text so we can put it in the proper context for who you are and where you find yourself in the narrative.
