There is a grand story to be told, in which we all find ourselves. Each day, whether we realize or not, we share our perspective on that story. Our words, actions, and choices show what we believe the narrative to be.

So what do you believe? Where are we in this grand narrative? 

We need some ground rules. We need a starting reference point. We need to establish a perspective about our lives. We need a foundation for our worldview, this approach to understanding the world around us.

There is so much beauty and good around us. 

But often it seems that the beauty and good is under attack.

What is going on? 

I believe we find ourselves part of a grand story. A story bigger than each one of us individually, that spans generations and millennia. A story that has a conflict, but a story that surely has hope.

The stories within the Biblical text, a collection of ancient writings, offer us understanding and hope, and invite us into the greater narrative. There is truth and hope in these ancient writings. Truth that should shape how we live today. These stories are subversive and counter-cultural to our lives and the world around us. Stories and truth like this should have an effect on how we live our lives. But only if we are willing to listen to and trust the story.

If we are willing to spend time reading, studying, and learning the stories found within the text we will be transformed. Our worldview might be shaped by something ancient and true rather than cultural trends of our day and age.

Let's strengthen our beliefs and purposely shape our worldview by reading the text in 2023.  Join the newsletter or follow on twitter to get encouragement along the way.


  • Starting January 1, 2023 I will be reading through the Bible beginning with the book of Luke.
  • Please join me by subscribing to the newsletter below or following on twitter.
  • Some of the Bible Reading Tools I use in my study